Your Top Three Traits are:Investigative, Artistic, Social
Investigative people are naturally curious and inquisitive. They have a need to understand, explain, and predict the things that go on around them. They are scholarly and scientific in their attempts to understand things and tend to be pessimistic and critical when non-scientific, simplistic, or supernatural explanations are suggested by others. They tend to become engrossed in whatever they are doing and may appear to be oblivious to everything else around them. They are independent and like to work alone. They prefer neither to supervise others nor to be supervised. They are theoretical and analytical in outlook and find abstract and ambiguous problems and situations challenging. They are original and creative and often find it difficult to accept traditional attitudes and values. They avoid highly structured situations with externally imposed rules, but are themselves internally well-disciplined, precise, and systematic in thought and action. They have confidence in their intellectual abilities, but often feel inadequate in social situations. They lack leadership and persuasive skills and tend to be reserved and formal in interpersonal relationships. They find it difficult to express themselves emotionally and are not considered to be friendly (CCL, The Center for Experiential Learning, Leadership and Technology)
Artistic people are very creative, original, and individualistic. They like to be different and strive to stand out from the crowd. They like to express their personalities by creating new and different things with words; with music; with materials, through painting, carving, sculpturing, engraving, crafting, etc.; and with physical expression, as in acting and dancing. They want attention and praise for their artistic endeavors, but are very sensitive to criticism. They tend to be uninhibited and nonconforming in dress, speech, and action. They prefer to work without supervision. They are impulsive and idealistic in outlook. They place great value on beauty and esthetic qualities and tend to be emotional in the expression of their feelings. They prefer abstract tasks and unstructured situations. They find it difficult to function effectively in highly ordered and systematic situations. They seek acceptance and approval from others, but often find the demands of close interpersonal relationships so stressful that they avoid them. They compensate for their resulting feelings of estrangement or alienation by relating to others primarily through the indirect medium of their art. (CCL, The Center for Experiential Learning, Leadership and Technology)
Social people are friendly and outgoing. They are cooperative and enjoy working with and being around other people. They are understanding and insightful concerning the feelings and problems of others. They like to be helpful to others by serving in facilitative roles such as those of teachers, mediators, advisers, counselors, etc. They have social skills, express themselves well, and are persuasive in interpersonal relationships. They like attention and enjoy being at or near the center of the group. They are idealistic, sensitive, and conscientious in their outlook on life and in their dealings with others. They like to deal with philosophical issues such as the nature and purpose of life, religion, morality, etc. They dislike working with machines, tools, and data and at highly organized, routine, and repetitive tasks. They see themselves as having social and educational skills, but as lacking in mechanical and scientific abilities. They get along well with others and find it natural to express their emotions. They are tactful in relating to others and are considered to be kind, supportive, and caring. (CCL, The Center for Experiential Learning, Leadership and Technology)
Your top career matches are...
Planning, managing and providing education and training services, and related learning support services.

100% Match
Preparing individuals for employment in career pathways that relate to families and human needs.

76% Match
Business Management and Administration careers encompass planning, organizing, directing and evaluating business functions essential to efficient and productive business operations. Business Management and Administration...

74% Match
Planning, services for financial and investment planning, banking, insurance, and business financial management.

72% Match
Executing governmental functions to include Governance; National Security; Foreign Service; Planning; Revenue and Taxation; Regulation; and Management and Administration at the local, state, and federal levels.

70% Match
Planning, managing, and performing marketing activities to reach organizational objectives.

70% Match
Planning, managing, and providing therapeutic services, diagnostic services, health informatics, support services, and biotechnology research and development.

68% Match
Building Linkages in IT Occupations Framework: For Entry Level, Technical, and Professional Careers Related to the Design, Development, Support and Management of Hardware, Software, Multimedia, and Systems Integration...

67% Match
Planning, managing, and providing legal, public safety, protective services and homeland security, including professional and technical support services.

64% Match
Planning, managing, and providing scientific research and professional and technical services (e.g., physical science, social science, engineering) including laboratory and testing services, and research and development...

57% Match
Designing, producing, exhibiting, performing, writing, and publishing multimedia content including visual and performing arts and design, journalism, and entertainment services.