Corrent answers in green.
Incorrect answers in red.
Incorrect answers in red.
1) Body heat that is lost because heat moves to an area that is colder is referred to as:
- conduction.
- evaporation.
- convection.
- radiation.
2) Body heat is controlled by an area of the brain called the:
- hypothalamus.
- pituitary gland.
- pineal gland.
- basal ganglia.
3) The normal body temperature measured rectally of a child aged 3 to 10 years is:
- 98.6 - 100.4°F or 37 - 38°C
- 98.6 - 100.6°F or 37 - 38.1°C
- 97.9 - 100.4°F or 36.6 - 38°C
- 97 - 99.4°F or 36.1 - 37.4°C
4) The two most accurate indirect methods of measuring core body temperature are:
- axillary and oral.
- otic and oral.
- rectal and otic/tympanic.
- oral and forehead.
5) If the patient’s body temperature is abnormally high or if there has been a significant change from the patient’s normal baseline temperature, the health care professional should:
- schedule another reading to see if there is a change.
- immediately notify his or her superior.
- use another method to take body temperature to confirm the first reading.
- note the change in the patient’s chart and check on the patient later that day.
6) Cooling blankets and ice packs cool core body temperature through the mechanism known as:
- conduction.
- diffusion.
- convection.
- radiation.
7) Each heartbeat has two phases, and the resting phase is known as:
- diastole.
- diffusion.
- rhythm.
- systole.
8) A pulse rate that is below the lower limit of normal is called:
- an arrhythmia.
- tachycardia.
- an irregular heartbeat.
- bradycardia.
9) Measuring a patient’s pulse using the radial artery, count the pulse for at least 30 seconds _____________.
- using your thumb to feel the patient’s pulse.
- and record the number of pulses.
- then multiply times two.
- then divide by two.
10) The normal respiratory rate for an adult is ___________ a minute.
- 20 to 27
- 30 to 40
- 12 to 20
- 17 to 25