Thursday, February 27, 2025


 HEENT stands for Head, Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Throat

Components of a HEENT Exam:
  • Head: Inspection for tenderness, masses, or deformities (wound , bruises)
  • Eyes: Assessment of vision, pupils, conjunctiva, and sclera ( anemia , jaundice
  • Ears: Examination of the external ear, tympanic membrane, and hearing (discharge?
  • Nose: Inspection of the nasal passages, mucosa, and septum
  • Throat: Evaluation of the oral cavity, tonsils, uvula, and pharynx 
  • This examination is commonly performed during a general physical exam or when a patient presents with symptoms related to these body systems, such as headache, eye pain, earache, nasal congestion, or sore throat